Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Big Boys Fall Hard!

Word on the streets is that metal fans are disappointed by the big releases this year.

Morbid Angel's release is a prime example of what is going on in metal. Metal fans were shocked by the album MA put out and for good reason.When I first heard their latest offering my mouth fell open and I was shocked by what I heard. I had to strain my ears to find any glimmer of the crushing band I love and respect. The last few days this story has got worse by the band announcing they are putting out a remix album! This is of course my own personal opinion but from what I have read online fans are not happy.

We now move on to Metallica and Lou Reed's Lulu. Well I listened to a few tracks and turned off. I know that was wrong of me as a metal blogger but I just couldn't get through it. I have never been a massive fan of Metallica even though I am a massive Thrash fan. I have felt for years that Metallica should of retired years ago and I am not alone. Is it only a small part of the metal community that feels this way? I hope not.

What I would like to see happen:
  • Fans stop buying albums just because of the name. If you don't like it don't buy it! 
  • Honest reviews by writers that are not so far up their employer's butts.
  • Metal become healthy again.
  • People to get to know the roots of what they're listening too. Metal has a history, so do your homework and discover the great bands that have inspired metal today.

I know I must come across as a snobby metal fan but, I really care about what happens to metal. I want great releases by the big bands we rely on. If we don't get good records we will loose faith in them. I have lost respect for MA and Metallica but I hope one day that will change.

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